Volume 6 Issue 10
Meanining ful Graphic analysi Tracing Via Debauched Gabor Guesstimate System
Author's Name: Hussain Zainudin, Raja Abdullah

Abstract—It has a variety of uses, some of which are: human-computer interaction, security and surveillance, video communication and compression, traffic control. Video tracking can be a time consuming process due to the huge amount of data in video.The main aim of object tracking is to estimate the states of the target in image sequences.Visual object tracking is challenging due to image variations caused by various factors, such as object deformation, scalechange, illumination change and occlusion. To overcome these challenges, windowing technique is applied in the proposed work. It is used to remove the noise in the image and gives the exact image. Experimental results are done for various sequences in the video and it is analysed the windowing technique is robust to partial occlusions and variations of illumination and pose, resistent to nearby distracters. Also ,it performs favorably against several state-of-the-art algorithms

Classify the impacts of Software Project Improvement Selection for Large scale System
Author's Name: G. latha and M. Mazhilaras

Abstract—Project selection for small and medium enterprises (SMEs). There are a variety of tangible and intangible factors which impact on the decision-making, and lead organizations to choose the right project. This study focuses on 11 factors, i.e. cultural, process, knowledge of business, knowledge of work, education, experience, risk awareness, governance, selection of players, preconceptions and timeframe. The influence of these factors was determined by answering five questions which are, RQ1: Do contributors have a vision about the best practice? RQ2: What is the variance among the current practice and the best practice? RQ3: How does this vision match with what is the best practice? RQ4: Are there important factors to achieve ideal project selection? RQ5: Will these set of questions be set as a base for the decision for the achievement of ideal project selection? These factors are tested through a comprehensive questionnaire which was distributed to SME organizations. About 12 companies responded with 166 participants in total. The results were then analysed using SPSS and the outcome is in the form of a correlation for the above mentioned factors. It was found that those factors significantly influenced the manager in their project selection. Moreover, each factor has several correlations with others; however, these are different in terms of the correlation values. As the result, the authors ware able to classify the factors accordingly with relation to the correlation value level.

Improve the Protection of the Data in Cloud Data Storage by Using cloud data secure algorithms Techniques
Author's Name: RajaRamlal, Mathiya, Kuranuran

Abstract— One of the upcoming mosquitoes borne disease is Zika Virus which is spreading rapidly around the world. The traditional ways of detecting Zika Virus are not much effective. To overcome a proposed method of cloud based system is developed with the combination of cloud computing mobile phones, fog computing finally IoT for sensing the mosquitoes. Here fog computing acts as a bond between cloud and user for reducing the latency level and increasing the processing speed. A NBN- Naïve Bayesian Network algorithm is to find the infected patient and uninfected one, mosquitoes breeding sites and dense site by mapping it in GPS and finding the location. The cloud based system provides high accuracy in predicting the result using NBN classifier and also shows the risk prone site location to the government health sector. It provides the user a better communication with the health sector, to avoid the outbreak of ZVD and, the complete cloud system gives better high accuracy for prediction and preventing

An Funcational Method of Cloud Computing Malware Interference Identification Techniques using Naïve Bayes Algorithm
Author's Name: LalZain, Sultan Abdullah, Sudarsan

Abstract—Cloud computing is a vast area, use the resources with cost-effectively. The service provider is to share the resources anywhere at any time. But the network is the most vital to accessing data in the cloud. The cloud malicious takes advantages while using the cloud network. Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is monitoring the network and notifies attacks. In Intrusion Detection System, anomaly technique is most important. Whenever Virtual Machine is created, IDS track the known and unknown data’s. If any unknown data found, Intrusion Detection System detects the data using anomaly classification algorithm and send the report to admin. This paper proposes we are using support vector machine (SVM), Naive Bayes, and decision tree (J48) algorithms for predicting unwanted data’s. In these algorithms are help us to overcome the high false alarm rate. Our proposed work implemented part using the WEKA tool to give a statistical report, which gives a better outcome in little calculation time.

Experimental Real time risks and challenges of Housing Energy Consumers system
Author's Name:K. Ravana, D. Rajeswari, P. Suresh

Abstract—Implementation of maximum demand charge is a possible solution to better reflect the cost of generating and delivering electricity. However, this implementation leads to additional charge in the electricity bill and would effect on the electricity affordability among the residential customers. As a preliminary study on the issue related to electricity affordability and willingness to pay for maximum demand charge, this paper uses survey data collected from 411 residential electricity customers in Malaysia and descriptive analysis. Findings from this study indicates most of the respondents do not face electricity unaffordability problem and seem to be willing to pay for the maximum demand charge.

An Eficinet Bio Metric Forgery Detection in Personal Care System
Author's Name: RanaSuingh, Mohd Hussain, SheikFaizal

Abstract—Various medical organizations maintain records of different patients which has more sensitive data which has to be secured from illegal access. Even the finger prints has been used as key there are malformed users who can try to intrude the system and steal information. So detection the forged finger prints becomes more essential. Number of approaches available for the detection of forged prints, they does not produce efficient results in forgery detection. Towards the problem of forgery detection, an efficient Region Based Minutiae Mass Measure (RMMM) approach is presented towards support the security of health care systems. The user has been validated with general information and the finger print has been captured through the capturing device. The method first enhances the input finger print image by applying gabor filter to remove the noise. The same has been performed in the input test image and based on the minutiae mass value, the forged print has been detected. The method has produced efficient results on forged finger print detection and improves the classification accuracy.

Improvement of Cloud Data Storage mechanism by Using Cloud Data Compression Techniques
Author's Name: R. Manishraj, R. Manai rak

Abstract— Cloud computing significantly plays a role in the aspect of effective resource utilization and service consumption. Irrespective of the type of clouds (ex. Private, public, hybrid or inter-cloud), every service providers concentrates on the data residing in cloud servers. Each and every moment, the researchers and scholars are proposing multiplicity of security algorithms to secure cloud data during the transactions. Most of the cloud data secure algorithms are focusing on the way to secure to cloud data in a single direction by using cryptographic algorithms. In this research paper focuses on a new direction to combine the features of data compression with the cloud data in order to secure the cloud data storage.