Implementation of Comparing Chemical Parameters Of Water From Hand-Dug Wells And Pipe-Borne
Author's Name: Mary Adu Kumi, John Adu Kumi, Benjamin Adu Kumi

Abstract— Exploitation of groundwater through the construction of hand-dug wells is popular in several communities in Ghana. Groundwater from hand-dug wells is major source of drinking water for majority of the rural populace. This study assesses selected chemical water quality parameters in hand-dug wells and pipe borne water in Begoro, in the Fanteakwa District. Water quality parameters including, chloride, nitrate, total hardness, and fluoride, were analyzed in water samples from 5 hand dug wells and pipe-borne water in Begoro community, using argentometric titration, Spectrometric, colorimetric, and titration methods. The results were compared with the World Health Organization (WHO) standards for drinking water quality. Water in hand dug wells were moderately soft with values ranging from 51.0 to 89.0mg/l; while Pipe borne water was 50.0mg/l. Nitrate concentrations in some hand dug wells and pipe borne water in the community were within acceptable levels (10.5-16.0mg/l;7.3mg/l). Fluoride ion concentration was within the WHO standards for drinking water quality for hand-dug wells and pipe borne water respectively (0.58-0.90mg/l;0.50mg/l). Water from the hand-dug wells and pipe borne water met WHO and Ghana Standards Authority (GSA) guidelines in all chemical parameters analyzed.

Comprehensice Analysis of Security Issues in Cloud Computing Technologies
Author's Name: J.R.Arunkumar

Abstract— Cloud computing describes effective computing services provided by a third-party organization known as cloud service provider for organizations to perform different tasks over the internet for a fee. Cloud service providers computing resources are dynamically reallocated per demand, and their infrastructure, platform, and software, and other resources are shared by multiple corporate and private clients. With the steady increase in the number of cloud computing subscribers of these shared resources over the years, security on the cloud is a growing concern. In this review paper, the current cloud security issues and practices are described and a few innovative solutions are proposed that can help improve cloud computing security in the future.

Comparative Analysis Of The Tensile Strength Of Bamboo And Reinforcement Steel Bars
Author's Name: Ogunbiyi, Moses A., Olawale, Simon O., Tudjegbe, Oke E., Akinola, S. R.

Abstract— This study aims at testing and comparing the tensile strength of bamboo and steel reinforcement bars as structural material for building construction. Tensile strength tests were carried out on various sizes steel and bamboo; categories of reinforcement bars such as; 10mm, 12mm, 16mm, 20mm and 25mm of both high-yield and mild-yield steel reinforcement bars were both tested along with same sizes of bamboo with 10mm cross-sectional thickness. Results are presented in tables and graphs and show that the tensile strength of high-yield steel bars outstrips that of mild-yield and bamboo respectively. The study finds that the breaking force (FB) for 10mm (HY) = 24.42KN; tensile strength = 457.13N/mm2; yield stress = 379.02 N/mm2 and breaking elongation = 39.67mm respectively. For 12mm (HY), breaking force (FB) = 52.14 KN; tensile strength = 689.12 N/mm2; yield stress = 551.30N/mm2 and breaking elongation = 36.58mm. 16mm (HY) results in breaking force (FB) = 126.67KN; tensile strength = 771.61N/mm2; yield stress = 494.10N/mm2 and breaking elongation = 70.87mm. The same factors for 20mm yields, breaking force (FB) = 163.97KN; tensile strength = 713.40N/mm2; yield stress = 614.74N/mm2 and breaking elongation = 61.57mm. While the 25mm (HY) produces, breaking force (FB) = 306.17KN; tensile strength = 792.90N/mm2; yield stress = 678.46N/mm2 and breaking elongation = 52.36mm respectively. Mild Steel (MY) 10mm yields, breaking force (FB) = 14.76KN; tensile strength = 290.49N/mm2; yield stress = 233.17N/mm2; and breaking elongation = 78.86mm. 12mm (MY) results in breaking force = 40.35KN; tensile strength = 508.08N/mm2; yield stress = 376.17N/mm2 and breaking elongation = 84.10mm. 16mm (MY) yields, breaking force (FB) = 79.72KN; tensile strength = 508.71N/mm2; yield stress = 349.10N/mm2 and breaking elongation = 111.39mm respectively. For 20mm mild steel, breaking force (FB) = 83.04KN; tensile strength = 372.98N/mm2; yield stress = 284.64N/mm2 and breaking elongation = 47.40mm. While the 25mm (MY) steel bar results show, breaking force (FB) = 163.04KN; tensile strength = 701.74N/mm2; yield stress = 599.77N/mm2 and breaking elongation = 56.84mm. On the other hand, bamboo yields for the same size width and constant thickness of 10mm, the 10mm-25mm bamboo sizes result as; 10mm (bamboo); breaking force (FB) = -2.1KN; tensile strength = 31.55N/mm2; yield stress = 0.00N/mm2 and breaking elongation = 0.00mm. 12mm width with 10mm thickness yields, breaking force (FB) = -1.28KN; tensile strength = 31.07N/mm2; yield stress = 0.00N/mm2; and breaking elongation = 0.00mm. 16mm (bamboo), breaking force = 1.85KN; tensile strength = 68.82N/mm2; yield stress = 49.45N/mm2 and breaking elongation = 30.40mm. For the 20mm width size bamboo with same 10mm thickness, breaking force (FB) = -0.12KN; tensile strength = 62.66N/mm2; yield stress = 50.23N/mm2 and breaking elongation = 18.20mm respectively. Finally, the 25mm (bamboo) size gives, breaking force (FB) = 4.76KN; tensile strength = 94.60N/mm2; yield stress = 50.19N/mm2 and breaking elongation = 21.11mm. The study concludes that due to the minimal breaking force (FB) of bamboo, it cannot be employed as a main structural member in building and other engineering works but can be used as portioning wall, ceiling, roof and other areas of engineering construction that is not heavy load-bearing.

Smart Agriculture Using Automation and IoT Technology
Author's Name: Dharshini S, Preetha Lakshmi E, Joshna B S, Surya A, Jayachandiran U

Abstract—Agriculture represents one of India's key industries. A variety of factors, including temperature, humidity, rain, and other factors, affect the rate at which crops are produced in agriculture. Those are external variables beyond the control of farmers. In order to regulate factors like pests, fertilizers, etc. in the field of agriculture, crops must be treated properly. Fertilizers may boost crop yield, but they also have an impact on people's health. Therefore, the primary goal of this study is to construct an automated car for spraying pesticide and to use an AI image recognition model based on computer vision to identify weeds and pests. The moisture level of the field is detected and the amount of water needed for the land is also detected and appropriate water is irrigated. Smart irrigation system is integrated with IoT-based technology. We implement a technique automated cars to spray fertilizers, pesticides to cover major parts of the field.

Web Page Optimization Based On Clustered Query Sessions Using Hybrid Of Trust And ACO(Ant Colony Optimization) For Effective Information Retrieval
Author's Name: Dr. Suruchi Chawla

Abstract—In this paper hybrid of Ant Colony Optimization(ACO) and trust has been used for domainwise web page optimization in clustered query sessions for effective Information retrieval. The trust of the web page identifies its degree of relevance in satisfying specific information need of the user. The trusted web pages when optimized using pheromone updates in ACO will identify the trusted colonies of web pages which will be relevant to users information need in a given domain. Hence in this paper the hybrid of Trust and ACO has been used on clustered query sessions for identifying more and more relevant number of documents in a given domain in order to better satisfy the information need of the user. Experiment was conducted on the data set of web query sessions to test the effectiveness of the proposed approach in selected three domains Academics, Entertainment and Sports and the results confirm the improvement in the precision of search results.

A Web Based Web services Information System Using Cloud Computing
Author's Name: Mohammad, Amin, Roshanasan

Abstract— Cloud Computing is the new field that was invented and developed during a period not so long ago. It has a lot of benefit such as decreasing the cost that the user needs, process the operation faster and keep the information secure. The security of cloud is the most important issue for several sensitive occupations, for web base information using this kind of computing does not need more than a computer and high speed internet to use application which is developed by cloud computing. This paper presents a model of web based information system at Amazon Web Services using visual studio to build a website with cloud data service which takes data from the instance in EC2 on Amazon Web Services (AWS), then lets AWS host data services from the cloud. The environment used, is EC2 (Elastic Cloud Computing) on AWS (Amazon Web Services) as host for an application which has several services to allow each user use the application separately and securely. AWS configuration and the way of using virtual server which its given by EC2 will be pointed out in this paper.

Microcontroller Based Land more Wastewater Management System
Author's Name: Richard Mangay, Rockie Robles

Abstract—The researchers aimed to design a system that is capable of filtering the contaminants in water. The system provides better tasting and better smelling drinking water by removing chlorine and bacterial contaminants. The system also removes the unwanted color of the water. In terms of accuracy for determining the desired volume of water in the container, the system was set to a specified period for how long it is designed to stop and switch the source of water. The water per container cannot overflow. The machine is a fully automatic filtered drinking water vending machine, offering a touch less faucet that you can use it without a switch. Furthermore, by the use of the Microcontroller Based Wastewater system, accuracy is obtained. It is an automated device that can provide a safe, affordable and readily available drinking water.

Supervision of Animals Using Machine Learning
Author's Name: Arun Aravindh R, Arvind B, Gomathy G, Sai Prasanna V, Vasanth S

Abstract—Machine learning is an evolving technology that allows computers to automatically learn from past data. Machine learning uses various algorithms to create mathematical models and make predictions using historical data or information. Currently, it is used for various tasks such as image recognition, voice recognition, email filtering, auto-tagging, recommendation systems, and many more. Behavioral analysis of companion animals is an important aspect of veterinary research and animal welfare. However, traditional behavioral analysis methods can be time-consuming, subjective, and error-prone. With recent advances in computer vision and machine learning, it is now possible to perform behavioral analysis of pets more accurately and efficiently using video footage and automated algorithms. The method involves using computer algorithms to process video footage of pets and detect, track and classify their behavior. These algorithms analyze an animal's movement, posture and other visual cues to identify and quantify different types of behavior. By analyzing large amounts of video data, it is possible to better understand the behavior and health of pets in different environments. Machine learning algorithms are used to train computers to recognize and classify different actions such as walking, running, playing or resting. This requires large amounts of labeled data, which can be obtained by manual annotation or using pre-existing labeled datasets. Behavioral analysis of pets using machine learning and video footage has many applications, including monitoring the behavior of pets at home or in a veterinary clinic, studying the effects of different treatments or environmental factors on pet behavior and identifying early signs of behavioral problems. or get sick. Overall, this approach has the potential to improve our understanding of companion animal behavior and well-being and lead to more effective and individualized care for companion animals.

Phytoremdiation Species And Their feature Modification Under By Weed Varying Climatic Condition
Author's Name: Anita Singh, Rajeev Pratap Singh

Abstract— The major reasons for environmental contamination are population explosion, increase in industrial and other urban activities. One of the consequent effect of these activities is heavy metal pollution. It is one of the serious issue to be discussed by the scientists and academicians that how to solve this problem to protect the environment. As heavy metals are non-biodegradable so they require effective cleanup technology. Most of the traditional methods such as excavation, solidification and burial are very costly or they simply involve the isolation of the metals from contaminated sites. Among different technologies, phytoremediation is best approach for removing metal contamination from environment. It involves plants to remove, detoxify or immobilize metals from environment. Weed plants are found to be play very important role in metal remediation. They get affected by climatic variation which is also a consequent effect of environmental pollution. The physiology of plants as well as physiochemical properties of soil gets affected by varying climatic condition. Therefore, the present review gives the information on metal remediation processes and how these process particularly phytoremediation by weed plants get affected by climatic changes.

Design Of Automated Semi-Automatic Traffic Light Control System
Author's Name: Arwa Abdel, Mohsen Hassan

Abstract— The cars waste a lot of fuel and surely the driver waste a lot of time . To solve and monitor the traffic light system and make it more efficient , we have to use an intelligent technique taking the advantage of the sensors, microcontroller and the GSM modem which could add the real time benefit to the system. This paper explores the design of semi automatic traffic light control system. The traffic light is designed using microcontroller ATMEGA32 programmed by BASCOM AVR , power supply , IR sensor and GSM modem . The system solves the wasting time and fuel problem and the problem of the emergency car which waits a lot in the road intersection as well as it solves the problem of the congestion that occurs when an accident in the path happens. The system can be used for the traffic at the road intersections.

Site Specific Crop Management
Author's Name: . Gomathy G, Roshiya Parveen M R, Madhumithaa S, Kanishka S

Abstract— Machine learning (ML) is an emerging technology in which both researchers and academic communities have been able to obtain a distinct range of numerous applications such as image recognition, healthcare, fraud detection and so on. In addition to this, ML algorithms have been identified for prediction, classification, and other purposes. On the contrary, agriculture plays an important role in a country's economy. Further the crop yield is mainly affected by diverse factors like types of soil, temperature, moisture, and rainfall. Moreover, the crops are not evenly distributed in an agricultural field restricting the possibility of complete utilization of the field. In today’s world even technologies like the Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence and ML plays a significant role to overcome the issues in agricultural factors. Thereby ML is reliable and suitable and well developed , which are not utilized properly by farmers. The proposed research work is to predict the crop yield of a given area and map the yield distribution using ML algorithm through Random Forest (RF) mechanism. RF algorithm is one among the popular supervised learning algorithms used for classification and regression purposes. Hence crop yield prediction is carried out by analyzing data of various factors affecting agriculture like temperature, soil type, moisture etc. Subsequently the main motivation of this research is to build an interactive user-friendly interface for the farmers which provides the yield map distinguishing the yield rate in a given field along with suggestions for the better utilization of the low yielding areas.

GPS Based City Area Monitoring system using Embedded System Technologies
Author's Name: S.Revathi, S.Suganthi

Abstract— Tremendous developments in globally available web-based Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and it also make the availability of low-cost integrated General Packet Radio Service (GPRS)/Global Positioning Systems (GPS) modem helps to enable the development of city area monitoring systems with the embedded stand-alone technologies. In this paper we put forward to the design, implementation and testing of a city area-monitoring system by utilizing he online Map from a GIS which is straightforwardly available on the satellite-based GPS, and GPRS mobile networks. In this city area monitoring system over and above allows a home owner or the particular area monitor to tenuously monitoring the various significant home sensors conditions as well as those are tied to fire, flooding, and gas leaks to detecting burglars in their earlier stages and alert the people about the uncertain events. Home owners or the particular area monitors can monitor their homes or the particular exacting location via their mobile phone or by using the Internet. This system can also be used to alert the people about the security firms, civil defense organizations and municipalities to incessantly monitoring and locating the niggling spots in suburban neighborhoods and compounds using web based free GIS Maps application.

Clinical Significance Of Creative 3D-Image Modalities Based On Approach Of Characteristic Co-Registration
Author's Name: Baha'a A. Abdul-Hussein

Abstract— Since three-dimensional (3D) hybrid detector 【CT+MR】 is not integrated well currently, this study aims to investigate a registration scheme for two-dimensional (2D) hybrid based on characteristic localization to achieve 3D-fusion from the images of CT and MR as a whole. A cubic oriented proposal of 9-point & 3-plane for coregistration designs were verified to be geometrically practical. Human internal-feature points were sorted to combine with preselected external-feature points for matching process through 3D-reconstruction and virtual-dissection. By following the procedures of feature-extraction and image-mapping, the processes of picking points to form plane and picking planes for segment were executed. Ultimately, image-fusions were implemented at the real-time workstation Mimics based on auto-fuse techniques so called information exchange and Signal Overlaying. A complementary 3D-image across 【CT+MR】 modalities, which simultaneously presents anatomic structures of hard-tissue and soft-tissue, was created with a detectable-rate of 70%, this is equivalent to detectable-rate of 【PET+CT】 or 【PET+MR】 with no statistically significant difference.

Analysis of Probabilistic Peak Acceleration Response for Random Pedestrian Loads
Author's Name: FarikSong Jie, Zhigang,Zhao Hongjiao

Abstract— Cloud computing describes effective computing services provided by a third-party organization known as cloud service provider for organizations to perform different tasks over the internet for a fee. Cloud service provider�s computing resources are dynamically reallocated per demand, and their infrastructure, platform, and software, and other resources are shared by multiple corporate and private clients. With the steady increase in the number of cloud computing subscribers of these shared resources over the years, security on the cloud is a growing concern. In this review paper, the current cloud security issues and practices are described and a few innovative solutions are proposed that can help improve cloud computing security in the future.