Volume 7 Issue 4
Author's Name: M.N.Naresh Raj, Bashher Ahmed
Abstract— : In this present generation everything is going on internet itself. So in this project we concentrate totally on the present generation life how they can get security to their home or office and control the devices by using android app just by using internet in there smart phones. The main security is provided by camera module which captures the images and uploads into the internet and also stores the same images in Raspberry pi module SD card. Raspberry pi acts like a small minicomputer it is totally a Linux platform. By just connecting mouse and keyboard we can operate it as minicomputer where we can play games, play videos etc just like our personal laptop work. And also the WI-FI module is used in this project to control the devices from remote location also by getting the status of the devices into smart phone android app everything is going on internet itself our day to day life. Future generation will work on internet itself by sitting in one place we can do anything on internet.
Author's Name: Suresh Rajan, Susmitha R
Abstract—This paper presents the comparison of proposed double tail comparator with conventional double tail and existing double tail comparator. The low power and high-speed analog to digital converters used are of dynamic regenerative comparators to maximize speed. Presenting different architectures for calculating delay and power consumption in dynamic double tail comparator. The power gating technique is used to design the proposed comparator. By using this technique, delay and power consumption is reduced compared to the conventional double tail comparator and the existing double tail comparator. The important parameters are speed and power consumption. Cadence design tools used to simulate the comparator in the 90nm technology with the supply voltage of 0.6v.
Author's Name: Anand Sharma, Dillep Manus
Abstract— In this Project, we propose the design of two vectors testable sequential circuits based on conservative logic gates. logic gates outperform the sequential circuits implemented in classical gates in terms of testability. Any sequential circuit based on conservative logic gates can be tested for classical unidirectional stuck-at faults using only two test vectors. The two test vectors are all 1s, and all 0s. The designs of two vectors testable latches, master-slave flip-flops, double edge triggered (DET) flip-flops and 4x4 multiplier are presented. The importance of the proposed work lies in the fact that it provides the design of reversible sequential circuits completely testable for any stuck-at fault by only two test vectors, thereby eliminating the need for any type of scan-path access to internal memory cells.
Author's Name: G. MahaRani, V. santhanalaxmi, B. Ilanthi
Abstract—This manuscript intends to tell you about a downlink transmission scheme for femto cell networks grouping OFDMIDMA. We assign macro users and femto users to a separate sub carrier groups for transmission to eliminate cross tier interferences. We use IDMA with deterministic interleaver, basically to mitigate the cotier interferences within the same group of users. The system model and deterministic interleaver is explained clearly, the performance of the proposed scheme in terms of spectral efficiency and bit error rate (BER) is explained elaborately. Having analyzed the theoretical aspects and simulations demonstrates that with the combination of femto cell and grouping ,the proposed schemes levels better performance compared with usual OFDM-IDMA system and at the same time a lower complexity is exhibited than the later.
Author's Name: Krunal Shidore, Saitanya Mulkarni, Malyani Kaddha, Sedant Mulkarni
Abstract—Logic compatible gain cell (GC)-embedded DRAM (eDRAM) arrays are considered an alternative to SRAM because of their small size, non rationed operation, low static leakage, and two-port functionality. But traditional GC-eDRAM implementations require boosted control signals in order to write full voltage levels to the cell to reduce the refresh rate and shorten access times. The boosted levels require an extra power supply or on-chip charge pumps, as well as nontrivial level shifting and toleration of high voltage levels. In this paper, we present a novel, logic compatible, 3T GC-eDRAM bit cell that operates with a single-supply voltage and provides superior write capability to the conventional GC structures. The proposed circuit is demonstrated in 0.25μm CMOS process targeted at low power, energy efficient application.
Author's Name: Grihidhar S, Jambulingam S Menon
Abstract—The objective of this study was to examine the relationship between transactional leadership style and organizational commitment in private insurance companies of Ethiopia. The study sample has comprised of 8 insurance companies. These are selected among 16 private insurancecompanies through the procedure of simple random sampling technique. Therefore by using (Israel, 1992; Sekaran and Bougie, 2010) sample size determination formula 331 respondents were included. Although contingent reward had a statistical significant and positive relationship with organizational commitment (r=0.45, p<0.01), employees’ perception of their immediate supervisors’ active or passive management-by-exception leadership had a non-significant and negative relationship with organizational commitment (r = -0.08 and r = -0.04, p<0.01) respectively.Moreover, transactional leadership had a weak positive relationship with organizational commitment (r = 0.18, p < .01). On the bases of these findings the researcher has fairly to reject the alternative hypothesis (Ha2), since transactional leadership established positive but statistically non-significant relationship with organizational commitment. Therefore it indicated that there is a statistical non-significant positive relationship between transactional leadership and organizational commitment in private insurances. In general itimplies that respondents of the stated insurance companies are not comfortable with their leaders’ transactional leadership style to be more committed than ever.
Author's Name: Mahesh Babu, Makhoob, Laxman
Abstract—Placing critical data in the hands of a cloud provider should come with the guarantee of security and availability for data at rest, in motion, and in use. Several alternatives exist for storage services, while data confidentiality solutions for the database as a service paradigm are still immature. We propose a novel architecture that integrates cloud database services with data confidentiality and the possibility of executing concurrent operations on encrypted data. This is the first solution supporting geographically distributed clients to connect directly to an encrypted cloud database, and to execute concurrent and independent operations including those modifying the database structure. The proposed architecture has the further advantage of eliminating intermediate proxies that limit the elasticity, availability, and scalability properties that are intrinsic in cloud-based solutions. The efficacy of the proposed architecture is evaluated through theoretical analyses and extensive experimental results based on a prototype implementation subject to the TPC-C standard benchmark for different numbers of clients and network latencies.
Author's Name: Muldip Sas, Hritam Kumar Aayen
Abstract—Conventional speech enhancement methods typically utilize the noisy phase spectrum for signal reconstruction. This letter presents a novel method to estimate the clean speech phase spectrum, given the noisy speech observation in single-channel speech enhancement. The proposed method relies on the phase decomposition of the instantaneous noisy phase spectrum followed by temporal smoothing in order to reduce the large variance of noisy phase, and consequently reconstructs an enhanced instantaneous phase spectrum for signal reconstruction. The effectiveness of the proposed method is evaluated in two ways: phase enhancement-only and by quantifying the additional improvement on top of the conventional amplitude enhancement scheme where noisy phase is often used in signal reconstruction. The instrumental metrics predict a consistent improvement in perceived speech quality and speech intelligibility when the noisy phase is enhanced using the proposed phase estimation method
Author's Name:Shitosh Joshi, Aashant Bhopale, Puurendra Bhosale
Abstract—Voice recognition is a process of identifying the identity of an unknown speaker on the basis of individual information that contain in the speech signal. Voice recognition is one of the biometric technologies used in a security system to reduce cases of fraud and traits. Voice biometric is an easy and cost effective biometric technique which requires minimalistic hardware and software complexity. General voice biometric needs a voice phrase by user which is processed with Mel Filter and Vector Quantized features are extracted. Vector quantization reduces the codebook size but decreases the accuracy of recognition. Therefore we propose a voice biometric system where voice file's non quantized code books are matched with spoken phrase. In order to ensure security to such direct voice sample we embed the voice file in a randomly selected image using DWT technique. Imposters are exposed to only images and are unaware of the voice files. We show that the technique produces better efficiency in comparison to VQ based technique.
Author's Name: Abhiksha Jain, Shriram Mishra
Abstract— The Cluster creation in MANET has paying attention in recent times and clustering as defined in Mobile ad hoc network partitioning of mobile nodes into different groups, and each group contains ordinary node, cluster head and getaway .The basic need to create cluster is to save the energy consumption, simplicity of routing, extending capability and to improve the network efficiency .In MANET the energy consumption of each node is key element, when the energy of node is drained, the node become fails to sense the data or forward the data, if the cluster head energy drained then not only fails cluster head it will leads entire cluster is collapse ,So after we can reconstruct new cluster with remaining nodes, called as Re-clustering, but Re-clustering needs high energy consumption, but nodes have limited resource constraints, In order to overcome clustering problems we need design new energy clustering protocol, in this work we are proposing Intra-balanced LEACH (IBLEACH) protocol to achieve life span of WSN.
Author's Name: Himish Ujwal
Abstract— In this study, we have investigated the prospects of predicting traffic based on video surveillance. We have used the following image processing algorithms: object detection and counting it, pathway analysis. The process is designed to analyze images obtained from a surveillance camera. The model uses server-client architecture
Author's Name: Aswati Aawange , Makurdi, Niilip Ghairnar
Abstract—India is the country where 70% of the population depends on farming. Farming is the primary resource income in rural parts of India. As the population is increasing day by day, the need for huge Raw materials is also required for processing food. So there will be a huge constraint on the farming sector. Nowadays, due to global warming and other drastically changing environmental conditions like heavy rains, the crops get damaged at the yielding stage and cause a significant loss to the farmers. There is also a need for advanced farming adaption techniques in the fast-changing technology world. Every farmer believes in good results at yielding stage and excellent quality. For fulfilling the above conditions, an Automatic farm covering system in unfavourable Conditions and parallel a Smart irrigation system is developed. These will help to reduce effects at the yielding stage also provides irrigation smartly. The project consists of Raspberry Pi as a controller, three different sensors (DHT 11, humidity, moisture, soil) as input. The output is connected to Raspberry Pi which consisting Driver IC and high torque DC motor, valve. The output is activated by the developed App. It takes required inputs from the user, uploads them to the server. It has a client-server architecture. The raspberry pi processes data as per intelligence given to it by the Machine Learning model. Machine Learning algorithm (Random forests Classifier) works on sensor data for predicting the mechanism of automatic ON / OFF system. The predicted result is given as output to the Motor driver and Valve for Automatic ON and Off purposes. The farmer can able to do an Automatic Shut/Open system by using an App (Mobile application controlled through Internet). All processes such as irrigation, covering the system in unfavourable conditions can be held remotely with the help of App and a Smart automation system..