Volume 7 Issue 5
Experimental Study Analysis of Cluster Center identification of Dataset Using Clustering Algorithm
Author's Name: Karthik Rajan, Monoj

Abstract— Data mining is used clustering algorithm based on the K means clustering and improvement center in cluster may be done by selecting acceptable initial cluster centers to converge quickly the local optimum. Within the proposed work clustering algorithm this paper deeply works over the fact that the k algorithm is extremely sensitive to the initial values but propose clustering algorithm is best. So as to enhance the dependence on the initial values, it proposes a clustering algorithm supported enhanced center. Through continuous modification to density threshold, it gets the more clustering centers, and merges them till the specified number of clustering center and applied to the various dataset for clustering analysis, so the result proves that the improved algorithm optimizes the dependence; Finally, achievement best knowledge in dataset it's also analysis of the most effective centroids. In clustering best data the proposed algorithm is best. In clustering minimize cluster error through proposed algorithm. Data mining is used clustering algorithm based on the Kmeans clustering and improvement center in cluster may be done by selecting acceptable initial cluster centers to converge quickly to the local optimum. Within the proposed work clustering algorithm, this paper deeply works over the fact that the k-means c1usteriug algorithm is extremely sensitive to the initial values but new best. So as to enhance the dependence on the initial values, it proposes a clustering algorithm supported enhanced center. Through continuous modification to density threshold, it gets the more clustering centers, and merges them till the specified number of clustering center and algorithm is set for clustering analysis, so the result proves that the improved algorithm optimizes the dependence; Finally, achievement best knowledge in dataset it's also analysis of best data acaccuracy of clustering best data and minimize cluster error through proposed algorithm.

Adaptive based Scheme for Transmission in Wireless Sensor Networks
Author's Name: Narayan Moorthy, Samender Singh

Abstract— One of the major challenges in design of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is to reduce energy consumption of sensor nodes to prolong lifetime of finite capacity batteries. In this paper, we propose energy-efficient adaptive scheme for transmission (EAST) in WSNs. EAST is an IEEE 802.15.4 standard compliant. In this scheme, open-looping feedback process is used for temperature-aware link quality estimation and compensation, where a closed-loop feedback process helps to divide network into three logical regions to minimize overhead of control packets. Threshold on transmitter power loss (RSSI) and current number of nodes in each region help to adapt transmit power level according to link quality changes due to temperature variation. Evaluation of the proposed scheme is done by considering mobile sensor nodes and reference node both static and mobile. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme effectively adapts transmission to changing link quality with less control packets overhead and energy consumption as compared to classical approach with single region in which maximum transmitter assigned to compensate temperature variation.

Single DC-DC Converter of MPPT with PMSG-PV System
Author's Name: Kandasiri Venkatesh, M. Venkata Ram, P. Sunder Rao

Abstract— A new topology of a hybrid distributed generator based on photovoltaic and wind-driven permanent magnet synchronous generator is proposed. In this generator, the sources are together connected to the grid with the help of only a single boost converter followed by an inverter. Thus, compared to earlier schemes, the proposed scheme has fewer power converters. Model of the proposed scheme in d-q axes reference frame is developed. Two low cost controllers are also proposed for the new hybrid scheme to separately trigger the DC-DC converter and the inverter for tracking the maximum power from both the sources. The integrated operations of both the proposed controllers for different conditions are demonstrated through simulation and experimentation. Steady-state performance of the system and transient response of the controllers are also presented to demonstrate the successful operation of the new hybrid system. Comparison of experimental and simulation results are given to validate the simulation model.

Design Approach of AI based Health Monitoring System
Author's Name:Abhilasha, Prof. Gamlesh Shandravanshi

Abstract— Nowadays, the biomedical instrumentation holds a prominent position within medicine. Following this trend, the BPM (beat per minute) has become an important tool to elucidate about the functioning of the organism and wakeup for anomalies by monitoring the heartbeat in the human body. These devices are mostly used in hospitals and clinics but are gradually finding their way into domestic use. This paper demonstrates on an approach to design a cheap, accurate and reliable device which can easily measure the heart rate of a human body and as well as to easily measure the body temperature

Design Optimization Analysis of CFS Radiator Fan
Author's Name: Abdul Mageet, Mohd Mayeed

Abstract— — The efficiency of automotive radiator is largely dependent on the ability of the fan to force the air draught as much as possible. In order to devise an effective fan design, the primary objective is to maintain desired pressure difference between the fan inlet and outlet. The radiator fan design was first evaluated through simulations to obtain pressure difference and torque values. In order to obtain the desired pressure difference and torque. The radiator fan with 12 blades was first analyzed through CFD simulations and the pressure difference between the fan inlet and outlet were measured. To improve performance keeping the same number of blade and discharge with changing the rotational speed of the fan were suggested and flow analysis for the same was performed. Desired pressure difference was obtained through the various rotational speeds. Final results show better efficiency calculating by the numerical simulation. This solution can also be provided using FLUENT.

Optimized Architecture of Operational CMOS Conductance Amplifier in OTA Circuits
Author's Name: Nirashansa Pathak, Asmit Singhal, Ganjaan Mishra

Abstract— Cloud computing could be a revolutionary mechanism that ever-changing way to enterprise hardware and software system style and procurements. Cloud informations are keeping and accessed during a remote server with the help of services provided by cloud service suppliers. Providing security could be a major concern because the information is transmitted to the remote server over a channel (internet). Before implementing Cloud computing in a company, security challenges has to be addressed initial.This study identifies the problems associated with the cloud information storage

Reigional Zonal Stable Election based Protocol for Sensor Networks
Author's Name: T. Shumya, Hanjaiah, S. Mirosha

Abstract—A new topology of a hybrid distributed generator based on photovoltaic and wind-driven permanent magnet synchronous generator is proposed. In this generator, the sources are together connected to the grid with the help of only a single boost converter followed by an inverter. Thus, compared to earlier schemes, the proposed scheme has fewer power converters. Model of the proposed scheme in d-q axes reference frame is developed. Two low cost controllers are also proposed for the new hybrid scheme to separately trigger the DC-DC converter and the inverter for tracking the maximum power from both the sources. The integrated operations of both the proposed controllers for different conditions are demonstrated through simulation and experimentation. Steady-state performance of the system and transient response of the controllers are also presented to demonstrate the successful operation of the new hybrid system. Comparison of experimental and simulation results are given to validate the simulation model.

A revolutionary mechanism of Identifying Secure data in the Cloud computing Server
Author's Name: Nirashansa Pathak, Asmit Singhal, Ganjaan Mishra

Abstract— Cloud computing could be a revolutionary mechanism that ever-changing way to enterprise hardware and software system style and procurements. Cloud informations are keeping and accessed during a remote server with the help of services provided by cloud service suppliers. Providing security could be a major concern because the information is transmitted to the remote server over a channel (internet). Before implementing Cloud computing in a company, security challenges has to be addressed initial.This study identifies the problems associated with the cloud information storage

Offline Manual hand based Written Character Foramt Recognition Of Language Script
Author's Name: Rankit Salviya, Armitsha Singal , Makesh K Mhujade

Abstract— — Handwritten character recognition (HCR) is a border area of research in field of character recognition and image processing and has been investigated under the frame work of a character recognition (OCR) and pattern recognition. In this study we propose a solution for performing character recognition in Sugali language, an Indo –Aryan language spoken in Andhra Pradesh and a number of states including MP, HP, Gujarat, TN, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Orissa and WB. This language is also known as Lambadi or Lamani. These characters are further more specially recognized by pattern recognition using neural networks. There are some different techniques of OCR systems such as optical scanning, location, segmentation, pre-processing, segmentation, representation, feature extraction and recognition and post processing.

Comparative Study Analysis of Flexible and Dynamic Ownership Management in Data Deduplication
Author's Name: Mallaya Kumar, Sumitha Nair R

Abstract— Data Deduplication is one of important data mining techniques for eliminating duplicate copies of repeating data by it compares the data in cloud storage to reduce the amount of storage space and save bandwidth. Data de-duplication is used in cloud storage to save bandwidth and reduce the storage space by keeping only one copy of same data. But it raises problems involving data ownership and security when multiple users upload the same data to cloud storage. Since encryption preserves privacy, yet its randomization property hampers deduplication. Hence, there is a need of secure data deduplication scheme to prevent unauthorized access and data leakage. In recent times, a number of deduplication schemes have been proposed to solve this problem

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