Volume 3 Issue 5
1. Efficient Network Threat Detection And Classification Method Using SVM+NB Algorithm On Cloud Computing
Author's Name: Abishek.M and Anil Kumar

Abstract—In this work, NSL-KDD dataset is considered for processing the session flow and to analyse threat which is related to files in the cloud. Also, feature extraction is performed based on two essential features like high level features and low level features which are considered for classification purpose. Here, three effectual classifiers like efficient Naive Bayes (NB) classifier, Improved Support Vector Machine (ISVM) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) are utilized over the features extracted from the dataset for intrusion detection. Empirical outcomes depict that the selected features will offer better outcome to design the threat detection system which will be more efficient for cloud based network security. Results acquired from this methods show better trade off in comparison with existing systems like decision tree, random forest and so on. Performance metrics like as precision with 100%, accuracy with 99.5%, specificity with 100%, Recall with 100% and F measure with 100% has been evaluated with this machine learning algorithms.

2. IOT usage in Mobile system and Ecosystem
Author's Name: Dr.C.Sureshkumar, Dr.S.Prabakaran, Dr.T.Prashanth, K.Varalakshmi

Abstract—Mobile technology opens the door for a new kind of learning called here and now learning that occurs when learners have access to information anytime and anywhere to perform authentic activities in the context of their learning. Mobile devices, applications and services have become integrated into people's daily lives on a personal and professional level. The purpose of this study was to investigate challenges &opportunities of IoT in mobile technology. The paper is divided in 5 sections and the content of the paper covers the history, elements, challenges and opportunities along with future of IoT specific to Indian Mobile arena.

3.Enhancing Communication Skills of the Learners in Professional Advancement
Author's Name: C.N.VidhyaLakshmi, Dr.R.Sureshkumar

Abstract—Communication is the primary mode of transferring information between two or more people. Communication skill is meant for imparting and exchanging information using certain language skills such as speaking, writing, or using some other medium. As English is the global language, the craze for the English language has resulted in the commercialization of teaching English in countries like India, where there is a need for a common ‘link language’ amidst a wide range of regional languages. Education has become a profit-oriented business, and the welfare of the students has not been concerned. In India, the traditional method of teaching English in the language classroom has not been changed for ages. Education is centered on examination, thus the importance and goal of teaching English as a second language remain untested. Only memorization and reproducing the content is given priority by the present educationalists, as their prime motive is to score good marks not to develop efficiency in the target language. Thus, the quality and purpose of teaching and learning English as a second language remains questionable. This research article analyses the methods and activities to cultivate communication skills among the learners. It also offers some innovative ideas and techniques to solve the problems faced by the students in attaining fluency in communication and vocabulary. It also drives the point that teachers have to be capable and sophisticated with personal and professional advancement to promote the learners’ interest in learning the target language effectively.