Author's Name: Karan Chawla, Mahaveer Singh, Megha
Abstract—Cloud Computing is the new field that was invented and developed during a period not so long ago. It has a lot of benefit such as decreasing the cost that the user needs, process the operation faster and keep the information secure. The security of cloud is the most important issue for several sensitive occupations, for web base information using this kind of computing does not need more than a computer and high speed internet to use application which is developed by cloud computing. This paper presents a model of web based information system at Amazon Web Services using visual studio to build a website with cloud data service which takes data from the instance in EC2 on Amazon Web Services (AWS), then lets AWS host data services from the cloud. The environment used, is EC2 (Elastic Cloud Computing) on AWS (Amazon Web Services) as host for an application which has several services to allow each user use the application separately and securely. AWS configuration and the way of using virtual server which its given by EC2 will be pointed out in this paper
Author's Name: Ramlal, Mohit banawar
Abstract— The cars waste a lot of fuel and surely the driver waste a lot of time. To solve and monitor the traffic light system and make it more efficient , we have to use an intelligent technique taking the advantage of the sensors, microcontroller and the GSM modem which could add the real time benefit to the system. This paper explores the design of semi automatic traffic light control system. The traffic light is designed using microcontroller ATMEGA32 programmed by BASCOM AVR, power supply , IR sensor and GSM modem . The system solves the wasting time and fuel problem and the problem of the emergency car which waits a lot in the road intersection as well as it solves the problem of the congestion that occurs when an accident in the path happens. The system can be used for the traffic at the road intersections...
Author's Name: Sreeniasu Reddy, Parimala
Abstract— Pedestrian loads that may cause excessive structural vibration involve some uncertain parameters such as walking frequency, step length, dynamic load factors and phases of harmonic components, which will lead to uncertainties of structural response and this issue need to be solved by probabilistic analysis. Considering that the traditional Monte Carlo simulation method for reliability analysis has rather low efficiency, an approach based on uniform design and response surface method for calculating the probabilistic structural response induced by pedestrian vertical loads is proposed to improve the efficiency of structural dynamic analysis with uncertainties. A few representative samples of time history of pedestrian loads are simulated using uniform design first, and then the corresponding peak acceleration response spectra are obtained by dynamic analysis on beam structures with different spans and damping ratios. The spectra which have a certain percentile are obtained by reliability analysis based on response surface method. Then the general formulae of peak acceleration response spectra, which can be used to calculate structural peak accelerations directly, are deduced from parametric analysis of damping ratio and span. Monte Carlo simulation is conducted to validate the precision of this method. The case study shows that compare to the results calculated by the proposed method, the formulae in two widely-used codes such as BS 5400-2:2006, overestimate the peak acceleration of structure with high frequency remarkably and it should be cautious when using them to obtain structural responses
Author's Name: S.Revathi, S.Suganthi
Abstract—Tremendous developments in globally available web-based Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and it also make the availability of low-cost integrated General Packet Radio Service (GPRS)/Global Positioning Systems (GPS) modem helps to enable the development of city area monitoring systems with the embedded stand-alone technologies. In this paper we put forward to the design, implementation and testing of a city area-monitoring system by utilizing he online Map from a GIS which is straightforwardly available on the satellite-based GPS, and GPRS mobile networks. In this city area monitoring system over and above allows a home owner or the particular area monitor to tenuously monitoring the various significant home sensors conditions as well as those are tied to fire, flooding, and gas leaks to detecting burglars in their earlier stages and alert the people about the uncertain events. Home owners or the particular area monitors can monitor their homes or the particular exacting location via their mobile phone or by using the Internet. This system can also be used to alert the people about the security firms, civil defense organizations and municipalities to incessantly monitoring and locating the niggling spots in suburban neighborhoods and compounds using web based free GIS Maps application.
Author's Name: Sanjevi Kumar A, A Rajlingam, B Gokila
Abstract—Cloud computing describes effective computing services provided by a third-party organization known as cloud service provider for organizations to perform different tasks over the internet for a fee. Cloud service provider’s computing resources are dynamically reallocated per demand, and their infrastructure, platform, and software, and other resources are shared by multiple corporate and private clients. With the steady increase in the number of cloud computing subscribers of these shared resources over the years, security on the cloud is a growing concern. In this review paper, the current cloud security issues and practices are described and a few innovative solutions are proposed that can help improve cloud computing security in the future areas