Volume 8 Issue 1
Study Analysis of Wireless Technology
Author's Name: Minku Susmitha

Abstract—5G stands for fifth generation wireless technology. It is the latest iteration of cellular technology that has three main features: greater speed, lower latency, and the ability to connect a lot more devices simultaneously. A commercial 5G wireless network is expected to be deployed by 2020. This paper provides a brief introduction to 5G wireless technology.

Scope And Functionality of Internet Banking And Mobile Banking of Indian Bank Ltd.
Author's Name: Ramkar dev, RajaBalu

Abstract— Cut throat competition and highly stressed profits have introduced the new marketing practices in the Indian Banking Sector and has also brought the customer satisfaction to the center of the focus. It has become very important for the banks to retain their existing customer base as well as to enlarge the same. As the number of banks is increasing, customer expectation of service quality is growing. Product differentiation is impossible in a competitive environment like the banking industry. Banks are delivering the same products. Thus, bank management tends to differentiate their firm from competitors through service quality only. Service quality is an imperative element impacting customers’ satisfaction level in the banking industry. The banks need to ensure that their Mobile and Internet Banking systems are well secured, reliable and user-friendly, and need to promote and familiarize their customers about the Mobile Banking and Internet Banking

Study of Challenges in Artificial Intelligence
Author's Name: M. Kavitha , P. Dinesh

Abstract— Artificial Intelligence is the study of how to make computers do things which at the moment people do better. The primary goal of artificial intelligence is to improve computer behaviour so that it can be called intelligent. The origins of Artificial Intelligence usually incorporate the theories and thoughts proclaimed by several ancient Greek philosophers and scientists.

E-Commerce And Value Chain Model
Author's Name: Mirunalatha

Abstract— The value chain model, as originally demonstrated by Porter (1985), identifies nine strategically relevant activities that create value and reduce cost in a specific business. These nine value-creating activities consist of five primary activities and four support activities. Successful implementation of e-commerce in an organization should be based on a thorough understanding of the areas in the value chain where e-commerce can add value most. More importantly, to succeed in gaining competitive advantage, ecommerce is to be based on the overall corporate strategy

Comprehensive Study Analysis of Fake Product Review
Author's Name: Mega anushya , Raamani

Abstract— This paper In online shopping, the product sellers often take reviews from the customer for the product. As e-commerce is growing rapidly the number of reviews from the customer is also increasing day by day. Some spammers attempt to write fake(spam) reviews to affect customer opinions and increase their sales rating. It is a tediuos work for the customers to identify the fake(spam) reviews. We propose spam detection using Bi-gram algorithm and IP Address to filter the genuine reviews from the fake (spam) reviews.

Face Recogination Using CNN Model
Author's Name: Kalpana, Nagaaraj

Abstract— Smart home systems achieved great popularity in the last decades as they increase the comfort and quality of life. Most smart home systems are controlled by smartphones and microcontrollers. A smartphone application is used to control and monitor home functions using wireless communication techniques. We explore the concept of smart home with the integration of IoT services and cloud computing to it, by embedding intelligence into sensors and actuators, networking of smart things using the corresponding technology, facilitating interactions with smart things using cloud computing for easy access in different locations, increasing computation power, storage space and improving data exchange efficiency. The development proposed in thesis incorporates smart sensors, communication channel and protocols for data exchange, peripherals such as atmega328, MQTT Tx. Rx. Kit, (for data interchange) Data Receptor and Decoder Shield, addressing & de-addressing data module, comm. IOT, in other words, integrates the ubiquitous communication, pervasive computing, and ambient intelligence. IoT helps to link the base station (equipped with the atmega328 Interface) which interacts with the entire module located at home. IoT here also helps to mitigate the installation and running cost and covering it all within acceptable boundaries and scope of the economy

IOT Based Smart Home Automation Using Voice Assistance
Author's Name: Suscilpa , Ram Gopi R

Abstract— This paper presents the comparison of proposed double tail comparator with conventional double tail and existing double tail comparator. The low power and high-speed analog to digital converters used are of dynamic regenerative comparators to maximize speed. Presenting different architectures for calculating delay and power consumption in dynamic double tail comparator. The power gating technique is used to design the proposed comparator. By using this technique, delay and power consumption is reduced compared to the conventional double tail comparator and the existing double tail comparator. The important parameters are speed and power consumption. Cadence design tools used to simulate the comparator in the 90nm technology with the supply voltage of 0.6v.

IoT Based Smart Patient Record Maintainance System
Author's Name: R.Rubasri, D.Aravind,

Abstract— The advancement of the Internet of Things technology is playing a key role in developing the health sector by making it much more accessible and affordable through easy to use applications for virtual and distant interactions with patients. Taking the capability of IoT technology into account, it is possible to overcome the difficulties faced by physically unstable patients in consulting a doctor physically on a regular basis. This work has led to a prototype of IoT Based Remote Health Monitoring System for Patients. This prototype consists of three health sensors: heart pulse sensor, body temperature sensor and galvanic skin response sensor.

Smart Cap For Visually Impaired People Using Machine Learning
Author's Name: Rajatha, Rakshitha

Abstract— The people who are having complete blindness or low vision face many types of hurdles in performing every day routine works. Blindness can occur due to many reasons including disease, injury or other conditions that limit vision. Our aim is to develop a navigation aid for the blind and the visually impaired people. We design and implement a smart cap which helps the blind and the visually impaired people to navigate freely by experiencing their surroundings. The scene around the person will be captured by using a NoIR camera and the objects in the scene will be detected. The headset will give a voice output describing the detected objects. The architecture of the system consists of Raspberry Pi 3 processor, NoIR camera, headset and a power source. The processor collects the frames of the surroundings and convert it to voice output. The device uses TensorFlow API, opensource machine learning library developed by the Google Brain Team for the object detection and classification. TensorFlow helps in creating machine learning models capable of identifying and classifying multiple objects in a single image. Thus, details corresponding to various objects present within a single frame are obtained using TensorFlow API. A Text to Speech Synthesiser (TTS) software called eSpeak is used for converting the details of the detected object (in text format) to speech output. So the video captured by using the NoIR camera is finally converted to speech signals and thus narration of the scene describing various objects is done. Objects which come under different classes like mobiles, vase, person, vehicles, couch etc are detected.

Real Time Driver Drowsiness Detection Using Convolutional Neural Network
Author's Name: Menaka,Thiruraman

Abstract— This paper presents the Now a days the drowsiness of driver is leading cause for major accidents. The regular monitoring of drivers drowsiness is one among the simplest solution to scale back the accidents caused by drowsiness. It is vital to style a road accidents prevention system by detecting driver‟s drowsiness, determining the extent of driver inattentiveness and provides a warning when an impending danger exists. This paper explains a driver drowsy detection system using video processing, analysing duration and head posture estimation to verify the driving force vigilance state. We capture colour, infrared, depth and 3D body pose information from six views and densely label the videos with a hierarchical annotation scheme, leading to 83 categories.